Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Riders on the Storm

 Apologies to "The Doors" for appropriating their song title for the headline of this post -- but it seemed an appropriate description of what it felt like to run in the first session of the 2023 VSCCA Fall Finale. The first group was released at 9am, into what seemed like a torrential downpour. By 11am the track was closed, and we ceased activities until the next morning.

(Realizing that the song, "Riders on the Storm" was loosely based on the activities of a serial killer from the 50s, maybe it would have been better to use "Love Reign O'er Me" by the Who, or "Who'll Stop the Rain" by Creedence.)

At any rate, it only rained lightly on Saturday morning. And the rain stopped by noon. Despite the storms, the Voigt Crosley HM Special got on track for five race sessions over the weekend, including representing the Rest of the World against the Commonwealth in the Litchfield Cup. (I dragged down the team's lap average, but we still pulled out a victory.)

Looking forward to next season.

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